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Interact with boards and items

Use the Miro Web SDK to build apps that interact with the board UI to create, update, or delete board items—for example: images, cards, or sticky notes—and that focus on enhancing native board functionality by providing a richer user experience.

The Miro Web SDK is a JavaScript library that helps build JavaScript apps for Miro boards.
The Miro Web SDK needs to be fully loaded on a board to be available.

Board operations are asynchronous. When boards process large volumes of asynchronous operations, it may take some time to sync the data with the server.

The Miro Web SDK enables:

The Miro Web SDK also includes methods to:

Moreover, the Miro Web SDK events enable subscribing to and unsubscribing from selected events to listen and react to actions that occur on the board:

  • Use the on property to subscribe to supported events to listen to them and to react to them firing.
  • Use the off property to unsubscribe from supported events, when it's no longer necessary to listen to them.

Check the Miro Web SDK tutorials, and explore our repository with Miro App Examples to explore sample apps that you can use to familiarize yourself with the Miro Web SDK.