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2) Understand app submission requirements

Time to complete

Time to complete ~5 minutes

Learning objective

Learning objective After completing this onboarding task, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand what it means to publish an app on the Miro Marketplace.
  • Know how to submit an app for review.

Publishing an app to the Miro Marketplace is the best way to ensure your app or integration can reach a much larger audience.
By publishing your app to our Marketplace, you’re making it available to Miro’s community of 50+ million users to install under their accounts!

Action 1: check out Miro's app submission guidelines

  1. Miro offers guidelines so that you can submit the best version of your app or integration possible.
    Take a moment to review our recommendations for:
    1. App design and Mirotone
    2. App security

Action 2: deploy your app

  1. When you prepare to publish an app to the Miro Marketplace, you’ll need to determine where you host it, before submitting it for publication.
    Familiarize yourself with our recommendations:
    1. Deploy your app

Let's wrap up

Let's wrap up In this onboarding task, you:

  • Reviewed Miro’s recommendations for app design and security.
  • Familiarized yourself with our guidelines on deploying your app.

At this point, you have a solid understanding of all the necessary components to successfully submit an app to the Miro Marketplace.

See also