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3) Publish a Miro app

Time to complete

Time to complete ~10 minutes

Learning objective

Learning objective After completing this onboarding task, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand how to publish an app to the Miro Marketplace.
  • Know how to share and promote your app so that it reaches your users.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with our design, security, and hosting recommendations for Miro apps, you’re ready to publish and make your app available to Miro’s global community of users!

Action 1: understand how to submit your app for review

  • When you’re ready to publish an app, fill out the App submission form.
    Provide as much detail as you can.

Action 2: understand how to market your app

  1. Once your app submission is approved, you’ll receive a notification, and then you’re ready to launch!
    Your app will be listed on the Miro Marketplace.
  2. To get the most out of your app’s launch, consider:
    1. Creating a dedicated app landing page or website.
    2. Leveraging your social channels to inform your community about your new app—LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Product Hunt.
    3. Utilizing our app promotion template and copy.
    4. Joining our Miro community and publishing a post about your app.

Let's wrap up

Let's wrap up In this onboarding task, you:

  • Familiarized yourself with our app submission steps.
  • Learned how to promote your new app.

You’re now equipped with all the tools necessary to launch and promote a Miro app of your own!

See also