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6) Install a Marketplace app


Time to complete

Time to complete ~4 minutes

Learning objective

Learning objective After completing this onboarding task, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand where you can go to browse other public apps that were built by developers on the Miro platform.
  • Find and install a published app.

Now that you've explored a bit how to get your own app up and running on a Miro board, see what others have built: explore the Miro Marketplace to find and install a new app.

Action: install a Marketplace app

  1. On your Miro board, click the plug icon in the top toolbar, and select Discover apps:
  2. Select from one of the featured apps, or browse in more detail on the Miro Marketplace.
  3. Once you’ve found an app, click Connect, and follow the steps to authorize and install the app.
  4. On your Miro board, open your newly installed app from the left-hand app toolbar by clicking the + More apps button to expose more apps.

Let's wrap up

Let's wrap up In this onboarding task, you:

  • Discovered public apps on the Miro Marketplace, and
  • Installed an app under your team.

Now that you’ve explored a bit more, let’s add Mirotone to an existing app in the next task.

See also