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1) Create your first board item with the Web SDK


Time to complete

Time to complete ~5 minutes

Learning objective

Learning objective After completing this onboarding task, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a sticky note on a Miro board.

Using the Web SDK, you can easily create, read, update, and delete different board items.
Make your first request—creating a sticky note—using our Web SDK in the interactive board editor below.

Action: create a sticky note

Review the createStickyNote snippet in the code editor below, select a board for testing the code and hit run to create a sticky note on the board:

const stickyNote = await miro.board.createStickyNote({ content: '<p>This is a sticky note</p>', style: { fillColor: 'light_yellow', // Default value: light yellow textAlign: 'center', // Default alignment: center textAlignVertical: 'middle', // Default alignment: middle }, x: 0, // Default value: horizontal center of the board y: 0, // Default value: vertical center of the board shape: 'square', width: 200, // Set either 'width', or 'height' }); await miro.board.viewport.zoomTo(stickyNote); // Note: this command is optional, to take you to the item on the board.

Let's wrap up

Let's wrap up In this task, you:

  • Created a sticky note using the Web SDK

Now that you’ve completed task 1, let's go ahead and update the sticky note's properties in your next task.

See also