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Get items by tag



Retrieves all the items that have the specified tag.

Required scope


Rate limiting

Level 1


Path Parameters

    board_id_PlatformTags stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to retrieve a specific tag.

Query Parameters

    limit string

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 50

    offset string
    tag_id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the tag that you want to retrieve.


Item with certain tag




    Contains the result data.

  • Array [

  • createdAt date-time

    Date and time when the item was created.
    Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who created the item.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    type string

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.



    Contains the item data, such as the item title, content, or description.


    content stringrequired

    The actual text (content) that appears in the text item.



    Contains geometrical information about the item, such as its width or height.

    height double

    Height of the item, in pixels.

    rotation double

    Rotation angle of an item, in degrees, relative to the board. You can rotate items clockwise (right) and counterclockwise (left) by specifying positive and negative values, respectively.

    width double

    Width of the item, in pixels.

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of an item.

    modifiedAt date-time

    Date and time when the item was last modified.
    Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who last modified the item.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    type string

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.



    Contains information about the parent frame for the item.

    id int64

    Unique identifier (ID) of the parent frame for the item.



    Contains location information about the item, such as its x coordinate, y coordinate, and the origin of the x and y coordinates.

    origin string

    Possible values: [center]

    Default value: center

    Area of the item that is referenced by its x and y coordinates. For example, an item with a center origin will have its x and y coordinates point to its center. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates. Currently, only one option is supported.

    relativeTo string

    Possible values: [canvas_center, parent_top_left]

    x double

    X-axis coordinate of the location of the item on the board. By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport. Default: 0. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.

    y double

    Y-axis coordinate of the location of the item on the board. By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport. Default: 0. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.

    type stringrequired

    Type of item that is returned.

  • ]

  • limit int32

    Maximum number of results returned based on the limit specified in the request. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 20. The rest of the results will not be returned. To retrieve the rest of the results, you must make another request and set the appropriate value for the offset parameter. In this example, you will set the offset parameter to 20 as the offset is zero-based.



    Contains pagination links for the collection.

    first string

    Link to retrieve information in the first page of the collection.

    last string

    Link to the retrieve information in the last page of the collection.

    next string

    Link to retrieve information in the next page of the collection.

    prev string

    Link to retrieve information in the previous page of the collection.

    self string

    Link to retrieve information in the current page of the collection.

    offset int32

    Zero-based index of the first item in the collection. For example, If there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 28, the response will return 2 results.

    size int32

    Number of results returned in the response. The size is the number of results returned considering the offset and the limit values sent in the request. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 20.
    If there are 10 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 10.
    If there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 28 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 2 as the offset is the zero-based offset of the first item in the collection.

    total int64

    Total number of results available. If the value of the total parameter is higher than the value of the size parameter, this means that there are more results that you can retrieve. To retrieve more results, you can make another request and set the offset value accordingly. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size parameter will return 20 and the total parameter will return 30. This means that there are 9 more results to retrieve (as the offset is zero-based).

    type string