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Create items in bulk



Adds different types of items to a board. You can add up to 20 items of the same or different type per create call. For example, you can create 3 shape items, 4 card items, and 5 sticky notes in one create call. The bulk create operation is transactional. If any item's create operation fails, the create operation for all the remaining items also fails, and none of the items will be created.

To try out this API in our documentation:

1. In the BODY PARAMS section, scroll down until you see ADD OBJECT (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Add object user interface in readme

2. Click ADD OBJECT, and then select or enter the appropriate values for parameters of the item that you want to add.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each item that you want to add.

Required scope


Rate limiting

Level 2 per item. For example, if you want to create one sticky note, one card, and one shape item in one call, the rate limiting applicable will be 300 credits. This is because create item calls take Level 2 rate limiting of 100 credits each, 100 for sticky note, 100 for card, and 100 for shape item.


Path Parameters

    board_id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the board where you want to create the item.




  • Array [

  • type ItemTypeChange (string)required

    Possible values: [app_card, text, shape, sticky_note, image, document, card, frame, embed]

    Type of item that you want to create.



    Contains data information applicable for each item type.


    description string

    A short text description to add context about the app card.



    Array where each object represents a custom preview field. Preview fields are displayed on the bottom half of the app card in the compact view.

  • Array [

  • fillColor string

    Hex value representing the color that fills the background area of the preview field, when it's displayed on the app card.

    iconShape string

    Possible values: [round, square]

    Default value: round

    The shape of the icon on the preview field.

    iconUrl string

    A valid URL pointing to an image available online. The transport protocol must be HTTPS. Possible image file formats: JPG/JPEG, PNG, SVG.

    textColor string

    Hex value representing the color of the text string assigned to value.

    tooltip string

    A short text displayed in a tooltip when clicking or hovering over the preview field.

    value string

    The actual data value of the custom field. It can be any type of information that you want to convey.

  • ]

  • owned boolean

    Defines whether the card is owned by the application making the call.

    status string

    Possible values: [disconnected, connected, disabled]

    Status indicating whether an app card is connected and in sync with the source. When the source for the app card is deleted, the status returns disabled.

    title string

    A short text header to identify the app card.



    Contains information about item-specific styles.


    fillColor string

    Hex value of the border color of the app card. Default: #2d9bf0.



    Contains information about the item's position on the board, such as its x coordinate, y coordinate, and the origin of the x and y coordinates.

    x double

    X-axis coordinate of the location of the item on the board. By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport. Default: 0. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.

    y double

    Y-axis coordinate of the location of the item on the board. By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport. Default: 0. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.



    Contains geometrical information about the item, such as its width or height.

    height double

    Height of the item, in pixels.

    rotation double

    Rotation angle of an item, in degrees, relative to the board. You can rotate items clockwise (right) and counterclockwise (left) by specifying positive and negative values, respectively.

    width double

    Width of the item, in pixels.



    Contains information about the parent frame for the item.

    id int64

    Unique identifier (ID) of the parent frame for the item.

  • ]


Items created





    Contains the result data.

  • Array [

  • id int64required

    Unique identifier (ID) of an item.



    Contains information about item-specific data.


    description string

    A short text description to add context about the app card.



    Array where each object represents a custom preview field. Preview fields are displayed on the bottom half of the app card in the compact view.

  • Array [

  • fillColor string

    Hex value representing the color that fills the background area of the preview field, when it's displayed on the app card.

    iconShape string

    Possible values: [round, square]

    Default value: round

    The shape of the icon on the preview field.

    iconUrl string

    A valid URL pointing to an image available online. The transport protocol must be HTTPS. Possible image file formats: JPG/JPEG, PNG, SVG.

    textColor string

    Hex value representing the color of the text string assigned to value.

    tooltip string

    A short text displayed in a tooltip when clicking or hovering over the preview field.

    value string

    The actual data value of the custom field. It can be any type of information that you want to convey.

  • ]

  • owned boolean

    Defines whether the card is owned by the application making the call.

    status string

    Possible values: [disconnected, connected, disabled]

    Status indicating whether an app card is connected and in sync with the source. When the source for the app card is deleted, the status returns disabled.

    title string

    A short text header to identify the app card.



    Contains information about item-specific styles.


    fillColor string

    Hex value of the border color of the app card. Default: #2d9bf0.



    Contains location information about the item, such as its x coordinate, y coordinate, and the origin of the x and y coordinates.

    origin string

    Possible values: [center]

    Default value: center

    Area of the item that is referenced by its x and y coordinates. For example, an item with a center origin will have its x and y coordinates point to its center. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates. Currently, only one option is supported.

    relativeTo string

    Possible values: [canvas_center, parent_top_left]

    x double

    X-axis coordinate of the location of the item on the board. By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport. Default: 0. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.

    y double

    Y-axis coordinate of the location of the item on the board. By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport. Default: 0. The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.



    Contains geometrical information about the item, such as its width or height.

    height double

    Height of the item, in pixels.

    rotation double

    Rotation angle of an item, in degrees, relative to the board. You can rotate items clockwise (right) and counterclockwise (left) by specifying positive and negative values, respectively.

    width double

    Width of the item, in pixels.



    Contains information about the parent this item attached to.

    id int64

    Unique identifier (ID) of a container item.



    Contains applicable links for the current object.

    self string

    Link to obtain more information about the current object.

    isSupported boolean



    Contains information about the user who created the item.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    type string

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.

    createdAt date-time

    Date and time when the item was created.
    Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who last modified the item.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    type string

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.

    modifiedAt date-time

    Date and time when the item was last modified.
    Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.




    Contains applicable links for the current object.

    self string

    Link to obtain more information about the current object.

  • ]

  • type stringrequired

    Type of the object.
