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Create project



Projects are essentially folders of boards with the option to manage user access for a smaller group of people within a team. Projects are here to help you organize your boards and make them easier to find and share. In other words, a project is a group of boards that you can share with your teammates all at once. For more information, see our Help Center page on Projects.

This API creates a new project in an existing team of an organization.

Required scope


Rate limiting

Level 1

Enterprise only

This API is available only for Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using this form.


Path Parameters

    org_id stringrequired

    The ID of the organization within which you you want to create a project.

    Example: 3074457345618265000
    team_id stringrequired

    The ID of the team within which you you want to create a project.

    Example: 3074457345619012000



    name stringrequired

    Project name


Contains information about the project, such as the project name.


    id stringrequired

    Project ID.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the project.

    type stringrequired

    Default value: project

    Type of the object returned.
