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Get connectors



Retrieves a list of connectors for a specific board.

This method returns results using a cursor-based approach. A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next portion of the collection, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter equal to the cursor value you received in the response of the previous request. For example, if you set the limit query parameter to 10 and the board contains 20 objects, the first call will return information about the first 10 objects in the response along with a cursor parameter and value. In this example, let's say the cursor parameter value returned in the response is foo. If you want to retrieve the next set of objects, on your next call to the same method, set the cursor parameter value to foo.

Required scope


Rate limiting

Level 2


Path Parameters

    board_id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the board from which you want to retrieve a list of connectors.

Query Parameters

    limit string

    Possible values: >= 10 and <= 50

    Default value: 10

    cursor string


Connectors retrieved


    cursor string

    A cursor-paginated method returns a portion of the total set of results based on the limit specified and a cursor that points to the next portion of the results. To retrieve the next set of results of the collection, set the cursor parameter in your next request to the value returned in this parameter.



    Contains the result data.

  • Array [

  • captions


    Blocks of text you want to display on the connector.

  • Array [

  • content stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 200 characters

    The text you want to display on the connector. Supports inline HTML tags.

    position string

    The relative position of the text on the connector, in percentage, minimum 0%, maximum 100%. With 50% value, the text will be placed in the middle of the connector line. Default: 50%

    textAlignVertical string

    Possible values: [top, middle, bottom]

    The vertical position of the text on the connector. Default: middle

  • ]

  • createdAt date-time

    Date and time when the connector was created.
    Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who created the item.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    type string

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.



    The starting point of the connector.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the item the connector is attached to.



    Contains applicable links for the current object.

    self string

    Link to obtain more information about the current object.



    The relative position of the point on an item where the connector is attached. Position with x=0% and y=0% correspond to the top-left corner of the item, x=100% and y=100% correspond to the right-bottom corner.

    x string

    X-axis relative coordinate of the location where the connector connects with an item, in percentage, minimum 0%, maximum 100%.

    y string

    Y-axis relative coordinate of the location where the connector connects with an item, in percentage, minimum 0%, maximum 100%.

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of a connector.

    isSupported boolean

    Indicates whether the connector is supported at the moment. If this parameter returns false, we do not support the connector at the moment. We do not allow updates for unsupported connectors and we might not return all data about the connector, such as intermediate points and connection points to the canvas.



    Contains applicable links for the current object.

    self string

    Link to obtain more information about the current object.

    modifiedAt date-time

    Date and time when the connector was last modified.
    Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who last modified the item.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    type string

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.

    shape string

    Possible values: [straight, elbowed, curved]

    Default value: curved

    The path type of the connector line, defines curvature. Default: curved.



    The starting point of the connector.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the item the connector is attached to.



    Contains applicable links for the current object.

    self string

    Link to obtain more information about the current object.



    The relative position of the point on an item where the connector is attached. Position with x=0% and y=0% correspond to the top-left corner of the item, x=100% and y=100% correspond to the right-bottom corner.

    x string

    X-axis relative coordinate of the location where the connector connects with an item, in percentage, minimum 0%, maximum 100%.

    y string

    Y-axis relative coordinate of the location where the connector connects with an item, in percentage, minimum 0%, maximum 100%.



    Contains information about the style of a connector, such as the color or caption font size

    color string

    Hex value representing the color for the captions on the connector. Default: #1a1a1a

    endStrokeCap string

    Possible values: [none, stealth, diamond, filled_diamond, oval, filled_oval, arrow, triangle, filled_triangle, erd_one, erd_many, erd_only_one, erd_zero_or_one, erd_one_or_many, erd_zero_or_many]

    The decoration cap of the connector end, like an arrow or circle. Default: stealth.

    fontSize string

    Possible values: >= 10 and <= 288

    Defines the font size, in dp, for the captions on the connector. Default: 14

    startStrokeCap string

    Possible values: [none, stealth, diamond, filled_diamond, oval, filled_oval, arrow, triangle, filled_triangle, erd_one, erd_many, erd_only_one, erd_zero_or_one, erd_one_or_many, erd_zero_or_many]

    The decoration cap of the connector end, like an arrow or circle. Default: none.

    strokeColor string

    Hex value of the color of the connector line. Default: #000000.

    strokeStyle string

    Possible values: [normal, dotted, dashed]

    The stroke pattern of the connector line. Default: normal.

    strokeWidth string

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 24

    The thickness of the connector line, in dp. Default: 1.0.

    textOrientation string

    Possible values: [horizontal, aligned]

    The captions orientation relatively to the connector line curvature. Default: aligned.

    type string

    Type of board object that is returned.

  • ]

  • limit int32

    Maximum number of results returned based on the limit specified in the request. For example, if there are 20 results, the request has no cursor value, and the limit is set to 20,the size of the results will be 20. The rest of the results will not be returned. To retrieve the rest of the results, you must make another request and set the appropriate value for the cursor parameter value that you obtained from the response.



    Contains pagination links for the collection.

    first string

    Link to retrieve information in the first page of the collection.

    last string

    Link to the retrieve information in the last page of the collection.

    next string

    Link to retrieve information in the next page of the collection.

    prev string

    Link to retrieve information in the previous page of the collection.

    self string

    Link to retrieve information in the current page of the collection.

    size int32

    Number of results returned in the response considering the cursor and the limit values sent in the request. For example, if there are 20 results, the request does not have a cursor value, and the limit set to 10, the size of the results will be 10.
    In this example, the response will also return a cursor value that can be used to retrieve the next set of 10 remaining results in the collection.

    total int64