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Get boards



Retrieves a list of boards that match the search criteria provided in the request. If you are an Enterprise customer and a Company Admin, you can retrieve all boards, including all private boards (boards that haven't been specifically shared with you) by enabling Content Admin permissions. To enable Content Admin permissions, see Content Admin permissions for Company Admins. Note that you only get results instantaneously when you filter by the team_id, project_id, or both the team_id and project_id. If you use any other filter, you need to give a few seconds for the indexing of newly created boards before retrieving boards.

Required scope


Rate limiting

Level 1


Query Parameters

    team_id string
    project_id string
    query string

    Possible values: <= 500 characters

    owner string
    limit string

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 50

    offset string
    sort string

    Possible values: [default, last_modified, last_opened, last_created, alphabetically]

    Default value: default


Board search results.




    Contains the result data.

  • Array [

  • createdAt date-time

    Date and time when the board was created. Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who created the board.

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the user.

    type stringrequired

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.



    Contains the current user's board membership details. The current user could be different from the board owner.

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the user.

    role string

    Possible values: [viewer, commenter, editor, coowner, owner]

    Role of the board member.

    type stringrequired

    Type of the object that is returned. In this case, type returns board_member.

    description stringrequired

    Description of the board.

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the board.

    lastOpenedAt date-time

    Date and time when the board was last opened by any user. This information is only available when the boards are sorted by last_opened. Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who opened the board last. This information is only available when the boards are sorted by last_opened.

    id string

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    name string

    Name of the user.

    type string

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.

    modifiedAt date-time

    Date and time when the board was last modified. Format: UTC, adheres to ISO 8601, includes a trailing Z offset.



    Contains information about the user who created the board.

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the user.

    type stringrequired

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the board.



    Contains information about the user who created the board.

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier (ID) of the user.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the user.

    type stringrequired

    Indicates the type of object returned. In this case, type returns user.



    id int64

    Id of the picture

    imageURL string

    Url of the picture

    originalUrl string

    Original team picture url for icon generation

    type string

    Default value: picture

    Type of the object returned.



    Defines the permissions policies and sharing policies for the board.



    Defines the permissions policies for the board.

    collaborationToolsStartAccess string

    Possible values: [all_editors, board_owners_and_coowners]

    Default value: all_editors

    Defines who can start or stop timer, voting, video chat, screen sharing, attention management. Others will only be able to join. To change the value for the collaborationToolsStartAccess parameter, contact Miro Customer Support.

    copyAccess string

    Possible values: [anyone, team_members, team_editors, board_owner]

    Default value: anyone

    Defines who can copy the board, copy objects, download images, and save the board as a template or PDF.

    sharingAccess string

    Possible values: [team_members_with_editing_rights, owner_and_coowners]

    Default value: team_members_with_editing_rights

    Defines who can change access and invite users to this board. To change the value for the sharingAccess parameter, contact Miro Customer Support.



    Defines the public-level, organization-level, and team-level access for the board. The access level that a user gets depends on the highest level of access that results from considering the public-level, team-level, organization-level, and direct sharing access.

    access string

    Possible values: [private, view, edit, comment]

    Defines the public-level access to the board.

    inviteToAccountAndBoardLinkAccess string

    Possible values: [viewer, commenter, editor, coowner, owner, guest, no_access]

    Default value: no_access

    Defines the user role when inviting a user via the invite to team and board link. For Enterprise users, the inviteToAccountAndBoardLinkAccess parameter is always set to no_access.

    organizationAccess string

    Possible values: [private, view, comment, edit]

    Default value: private

    Defines the organization-level access to the board. If the board is created for a team that does not belong to an organization, the organizationAccess parameter is always set to the default value.

    teamAccess string

    Possible values: [private, view, comment, edit]

    Defines the team-level access to the board.



    id stringrequired

    Team id

    name stringrequired

    Team name



    id int64

    Id of the picture

    imageURL string

    Url of the picture

    originalUrl string

    Original team picture url for icon generation

    type string

    Default value: picture

    Type of the object returned.

    type string

    Default value: team

    Type of the object returned.



    id stringrequired

    Project ID.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the project.

    type stringrequired

    Default value: project

    Type of the object returned.

    type stringrequired

    Type of the object that is returned. In this case, type returns board.

    viewLink string

    URL to view the board.

  • ]

  • total int64

    Total number of results available. If the value of the total parameter is higher than the value of the size parameter, this means that there are more results that you can retrieve. To retrieve more results, you can make another request and set the offset value accordingly. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size parameter will return 20 and the total parameter will return 30. This means that there are 9 more results to retrieve (as the offset is zero-based).

    size int32

    Number of results returned in the response. The size is the number of results returned considering the offset and the limit values sent in the request. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 20.
    If there are 10 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 10.
    If there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 28 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 2 as the offset is the zero-based offset of the first item in the collection.

    offset int32

    Zero-based index of the first item in the collection. For example, If there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 28, the response will return 2 results.

    limit int32

    Maximum number of results returned based on the limit specified in the request. For example, if there are 30 results, and the request has the offset set to 0 and the limit set to 20, the size of the results will be 20. The rest of the results will not be returned. To retrieve the rest of the results, you must make another request and set the appropriate value for the offset parameter. In this example, you will set the offset parameter to 20 as the offset is zero-based.



    Contains pagination links for the collection.

    first string

    Link to retrieve information in the first page of the collection.

    last string

    Link to the retrieve information in the last page of the collection.

    next string

    Link to retrieve information in the next page of the collection.

    prev string

    Link to retrieve information in the previous page of the collection.

    self string

    Link to retrieve information in the current page of the collection.

    type string