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Update project member



Updates details of a project member, such as the member's role.

Required scope


Rate limiting

Level 1

Enterprise only

This API is available only for Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using this form.


Path Parameters

    org_id stringrequired

    The ID of the organization to which the project member belongs.

    Example: 3074457345618265000
    team_id stringrequired

    The ID of the team to which the project member belongs.

    Example: 3074457345619012000
    project_id stringrequired

    The ID of a Project.

    Example: 3074457345618265000
    member_id stringrequired

    The ID of the member whose details you want to update.

    Example: 307445734562315000



    role ProjectRole (string)

    Possible values: [owner, editor, viewer, commentator, coowner]

    Role of the project member.


Contains information about the project member, such as the member's role.


    id stringrequired

    ID of the project member.

    email stringrequired

    Email ID of the project member.

    role ProjectRole (string)required

    Possible values: [owner, editor, viewer, commentator, coowner]

    Role of the project member.

    type stringrequired

    Default value: project_member

    Type of the object
