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Get board export job status



Retrieves the status of the board export job.

Required scope


Rate limiting

Level 4

Enterprise only

This API is available only for Enterprise plan users. You can only use this endpoint if you have the role of a Company Admin and eDiscovery is enabled in the Settings. You can request temporary access to Enterprise APIs using this form.


Path Parameters

    org_id stringrequired

    Unique identifier of the organization.

    Example: 3074457345821141000
    job_id uuidrequired

    Unique identifier of the board export job.

    Example: 92343229-c532-446d-b8cb-2f155bedb807


Board export job status


    jobStatus stringrequired

    Indicates the current state of the board export job. Possible values: CREATED: the job has been created but not yet started. Retry the status call after some time. IN_PROGRESS: the job is in progress, and the results are not ready yet. Retry the status call after some time. FINISHED: the job is complete. You can now get results for the board export job.
