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Miro Node.js client quickstart for task automation


This quick start guide helps you familiarize yourself with the Miro REST API 2.0 by building a simple app that uses the Miro Node.js client library.

The app enables sending an API request using the Node client library. For the sake of simplicity and to skip the OAuth authorization flow, the app uses a hard-coded access token.

At the end of the guide, you'll have built a simple app that retrieves a list of all the boards you have access to in a specific team.


Before you begin, make sure that:

It's a good idea to already go through the following steps in your Miro account settings:

  1. Create your app in Miro.
  2. Configure your app in Miro.
  3. In your app settings, go to Redirect URI for OAuth2.0.
    In the input field, enter the following URL:
    Click Add to add it to the app redirect URI list.
  4. In your app settings, go to App Credentials, and save the values assigned to Client ID and Client secret.
    You'll need to use these values later.
  5. Install the app to generate an access token.
    This token grants access to the boards associated with the team that the app is installed to.
    Save the access token: you'll need to use it later.


To integrate Miro into an existing app, start from step 3.

Build the app

After configuring the options in the previous section, you can start building the app.

Step 1: create the project directory

  1. Open a terminal session.
  2. If it doesn't yet exist, create the app root directory, and then go to the newly created directory.
    You can replace the my-miro-app placeholder with the name that you want to give to your app.
mkdir my-miro-app
cd my-miro-app

Step 2: initialize the project

In the app root directory, initialize a new Node.js project:

npm init

To set default values, press Enter when prompted during the process.
Alternatively, set appropriate custom values.

Step 3: install the client

Install the Miro Node.js client library:

npm install @mirohq/miro-api

Step 4: create the project file

Now it's time to set up your project:

  1. Create an index.js file.
  2. Copy the following code snippet, and paste it to the newly created index.js file:
const {MiroApi} = require('@mirohq/miro-api')
const api = new MiroApi('<YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN>')

const app = (async function () {
  for await (const board of await api.getAllBoards()) {
  1. Replace the YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN placeholder with the actual access token that you obtained when you installed and authorized the app in your Miro account settings.

index.js contains the logic that executes after the app is authorized, installed, and loaded on the board. Code in this file runs as long as the board that contains the app is open.

Step 5: run the code

You built the app. Now it's time to run it.
For the sake of simplicity, run it from the command line.
To start the app, execute index.js with Node.js:

node index.js

The response in JSON format lists all the boards that the current user can access in the team that the app was installed to.

Example response listing one board:

Board {
  _api: MiroApi {
    accessToken: '<YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN>',
    basePath: '',
    logger: undefined,
    httpTimeout: undefined
  id: 'uZyVOJkVFXk=',
  createdAt: 2022-09-08T15:04:41.000Z,
  createdBy: UserInfoShort {
    id: '3074457351234567890',
    name: 'Keyser Söze',
    type: 'user'
  currentUserMembership: BoardMember {
    id: '3074457351234567890',
    name: 'Keyser Söze',
    role: 'owner',
    type: 'board_member'
  description: 'Public board to test vague plans for world domination',
  modifiedAt: 2022-09-08T15:05:54.000Z,
  modifiedBy: UserInfoShort {
    id: '3074457351234567890',
    name: 'Keyser Söze',
    type: 'user'
  name: 'A very secret public board',
  owner: UserInfoShort {
    id: '3074457351234567890',
    name: 'Keyser Söze',
    type: 'user'
  picture: undefined,
  policy: BoardPolicy {
    permissionsPolicy: BoardPermissionsPolicy {
      collaborationToolsStartAccess: 'all_editors',
      copyAccess: 'team_editors',
      sharingAccess: 'team_members_with_editing_rights'
    sharingPolicy: BoardSharingPolicy {
      inviteToAccountAndBoardLinkAccess: 'editor',
      organizationAccess: 'private',
      access: 'view',
      teamAccess: 'private'
  team: Team {
    id: '3074457359876543210',
    name: 'The usual suspects',
    picture: undefined,
    type: 'team'
  type: 'board',
  viewLink: ''

Next steps

See also