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Marketplace listing guidelines

Submit your app to the Miro Marketplace

Once your app passes design & security review, it will be ready to publish to the Miro Marketplace. Use this form to submit all the required assets—app name, description, images, videos, helpful links, and more.
This should take no more than 10-15 minutes.
Once reviewed, your app listing will be created and your app will live on

Marketplace submission form:

About your app listing

A strong app listing can tell a powerful story about your brand and your app experience. This is a great way to capture users’ attention and get them interested in your app offering. Make sure the app listing is clear, concise, and visually appealing. Here are some best practices to optimize your app listing to fit your brand and get users interested.

App listing elements:

  • App name
  • App logo
  • App visuals
  • App description
  • Resources & links
  • Categories

App name

Make sure your app name is unique and clear to what your app does. To learn more about app name guidelines, see our guide on App Design Guidelines.

App logo

Create an app logo that clearly represents your brand and stands out among the rest. This is the simplest way to ensure that your app grabs users’ attention and your app listing gets a ton of traffic.

App visuals

App visuals are the best way to tell the story about your app and excite users. Create visuals that are descriptive and clear, so users can easily understand what your app does and how it can make their day-to-day life easier. Make a copy of our public template to easily create your app screenshots.

You can use screenshots or videos for your app listing. They must meet the following requirements:

  • Provide at least one screenshot or video. 5-6 files maximum
  • Supported file types:
    • PNG image or GIF under 8MB
    • Size: 1258x706 maximum
    • Images should have no rounded corners
    • Images should have no padding and are full bleed
    • Videos must be publicly published on Youtube (no other video formats accepted, including mp4)
  • Follow a clear file naming convention. Name files in the order that you’d like them to appear on the app listing. For example, "screenshot-1.png", "screenshot-2.png", "screenshot-3.png".
  • Avoid using white or light gray as these colors can easily blend in with the Miro Marketplace background.
  • Alongside the product UI, please add strong copy that will clearly explain what your app does, how it can be used, and why it’s valuable to a user
  • Use only 1-2 lines of copy on each screenshot. Copy should not take up more than 20% of the image.
  • Do not put your logo on the screenshot
  • Do not include screenshots that are blurry, distorted, or pixelated in a way that is not an intentional aspect of your brand.

App description

  • Clearly explain what your app does & why customers should use it with Miro. Describe how it solves user challenges and improves their everyday lives. (maximum 450 characters)
  • List out the key app features (in bullets)
  • Describe how to connect Miro + your app (setup instructions)

Resources & links

  • Add any relevant links associated with your app. For example:
    • Your website or landing page
    • Link to App Privacy Policy (mandatory)
    • Help center link
    • Contact support link

Tags & Categories

  • Include any tags that describe your app and will help users find it when they are searching. This can be related to the app functionality, your brand, or anything else that seems relevant.
  • Select any relevant categories that your app can be part of in the Miro Marketplace.

Once your Marketplace assets are ready, submit them using this form. Our team will reach out to you once your app has been approved to be in the Miro Marketplace.

Promoting your app

Once your app is live on the Miro Marketplace, it will be available for all users to view and install (depending on organization level settings).

We recommend taking the following actions to ensure that your app receives tons of traffic and visibility:

  • Creating a dedicated app landing page or website
  • Leverage Marketplace search tags that describe your app and will help users find it
  • Leverage your social channels to tell your community about your new app—LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Product Hunt
  • Join our Miro Community & make a post about your app

Getting featured in the Miro Marketplace

Periodically, we select certain apps to be highlighted in our Featured apps category. We select apps based on factors such as relevance, quality, and performance. Currently, there is no application process to be featured in this category.

We recommend ensuring that your app & app listing are of the highest quality to be qualified.